Effortlessly install developer tools with easy-to-remember URLs.
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Why Webi?

Install (mostly) cross-platform tools, from official builds

  • quickly
  • without sudo or Admin
  • without a package manager
  • without changing system file permissions

Web Dev

 BunJS, TS, & JSX runtime, built on JavaScriptCore
 Node.jsJavaScript v8 runtime
 DenoSecure TypeScript runtime, written in Rust
 Sassperformant SASS and SCSS (native build)
 FlutterWeb, Mobile, & Desktop UI Tookit
Go (golang)tools and compiler
└ Go Essentialsgpls, staticcheck, auto-imports, golang.org/x, etc
└ TinyGoGo compiler for CLI utils and microcontrollers
Rust (rustlang)programming toolchain
Zigmodern C/C++ cross-compiler & language
Shell & Scripting
ShellCheckGoogle style guide linter for bash and Posix shell
└ shfmtbash and Posix shell linter and prettifier
Python (pyenv)conflict-free Python versions
Powershellcross-platform pwsh for all

Generative AI, LLM

OllamaThe power of ChatGPT, but running on your laptop

Developer Tools

Must Haves
Webicli for webinstall.dev
BrewmacOS and Linux package manager
WSLWindows Subsystem for Linux for WSL, WSL 2, and Ubuntu Linux
Terminal & Shell
The Nerd FontDroid Sans Mono infused with Icons
iTerm2the best Terminal for macOS
└ iTerm2 Themesa curated selection from the 216+ supported themes
└ iTerm2 Utilsshell integrations for profile switching, utils, etc
FishA friendly, interactive shell
Aliasmancross-shell alias manager
Dotenvrun commands with .env loaded
└ Dotenv Linterlint and fmt for ENV files
PathmanPATH manager
Watchexecwatch for changes and run a command
Text & Search
batcat, but git and code aware
comrakGithub-Flavored Markdown to HTML
curliecurl wrapped in syntax highlighting and other goodies
deltaGitHub-style git diffs in your Terminal
fdmodern, git-aware, alternative to find
hexylhex editor with type highlighting
jqcli for transforming JSON
lsd (LSDeluxe)modern, next-gen ls with Nerd Font support
pandocconvert between document formats
Prettieropinionated code style
rg (Ripgrep)a git-aware drop-in replacement for grep
yqedit JSON and YAML config file values in place
xsvlike jq, but for CSVs - query CSVs like a database
SSH & Git
gh (GitHub CLI)GitHub's git-shortcut CLI (the replacement for 'hub')
gitStandalone Git for Windows
git-config-gpgConfigure git for gpg-signed, GitHub-verified commits
gpg-pubkeygets, copies, and shows your GnuPG Public Key
ssh-pubkeygets, copies, and shows your SSH Public Key

Self-Hosting & Vanilla DevOps

CaddyModern, Let's Encrypt-enabled HTTP/2 Webserver
└ XCaddyBuild Caddy with extra DNS Providers or Plugins
DuckDNS.shIP tracking (Dynamic DNS) for duckdns.org subdomains
Git DeployRun tasks via Git Webhooks
GiteaLightweight, beautiful, self-hosted git
Hugofastest framework for building websites
└ Hugo ExtendedHugo built with SASS and other extras
MyIPshows your real IP address
PostgreSQLThe World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database
Rclonelike rsync, but optimized for Cloud Storage and SSDs
Redis Commanderwep app to view, edit, and manage Redis
Servicemansystem service manager
Setcap-Netbindsetcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' faster
Sqlpkga SQLite plugin manager / package registry
Syncthingself-hosted multi-device file sync


Vim Essentials
vim-leadermap the Leader key to Space and Comma
vim-shellexplicitly set the vim shell to bash
vim-smartcaseturn on built-in mixed-case sensitivity
vim-spellturn on built-in spell checking
vim-sensiblesensible defaults for vim
vim-lastplaceresumes cursor where you left off
vim-viminforeasonable copy and history buffers
vim-alesyntax highlighting and lint-while-you-type
vim-prettierPrettier for vim (markdown, js, html, css)
vim-whitespaceset tab width to 4 spaces, consistently & trim trailing spaces
Useful Additions
vim-airlinesingle-line streamlined statuses
vim-commentarytoggle comments on blocks of code
vim-deviconsadd icons (nerdfont) various vim plugins
vim-goGo tooling for vim
vim-guimouse, clipboard, and other GUI support for vim
vim-italicsshow italics with underlines rather than highlights
vim-nerdtreea better file browser for vim
vim-rustRust tooling for vim

System Utils

Arccross-platform, xz, gz, zip, tar, rar, 7z, br, & more
AtomicParsleymanage MP4 tags and metadata
ChromeDriverWebDriver for headless Chrome automation
FFmpegtranscode video and audio files
GnuPGsign and verify git commits and emails
Go Releaserpublish cross-platform binaries to Git Releases
Keypairslike jwt.io (and more) for the cli
MSVC Runtimesolves the vcruntime140.dll problem
SSH Addusercreate a user with the same authorized_keys as root
Sudo (for Windows)run commands from the CLI as administrator
VPS Addswapquickly add swap space to a VPS
XZcross-platform lzma (de)compression

Enterprise Cloud

AWLesspowerful, but lightweight cli for AWS
K9scli for Kubernetes clusters
Kindcli for local Kubernetes clusters in Docker
KubeCTXquickly switch between kubectl contexts (clusters)
KubeNSquickly switch between Kubernetes namespaces

Security & Specialty Tools

trip (Trippy)like top, but for network traffic
Ffufeasy fuzzer for testing website urls & query params, etc
Grypecheck your code against CVEs
sclientunwraps HTTPS/TLS tunnels, like openssl s_client


What are your "daily drivers"? What great tools are we missing?

Contribute by letting us know, and helping us add it.

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